Sunday, June 1, 2014

Green's Grooming Practices Have Begun

Last week the GCM staff started its vertical mow practices on the greens. We have now done this practice for the last two weeks. The process is a very intricate system that utilizes 3-Dimensional mowing to remove bermudagrass leaves that are laid over. Each week the depth and amount of tissue removal is established based on plant health and growth of the plant.

The vertical mow process includes:
1) Vertical mow down and back on the same line using a hybrid triplex
2) Blow off the grass debris
3) Roll the green
4) Double cut the greens

It is essential to remove the excess leaf tissue that is laid over to decrease friction on the golf ball which makes the green play faster. Furthermore, brushes attached to greens mowers are used to stand the grass up. This allows us to remove more of the leaf blade than just regular mowing. All of these systems are used to keep a healthy turfgrass plant that ensures a fast and smooth playing surface.
Last week we started the grooming practices consisting of verticutting, rolling then mowing.
Assistant Jesse Cigary grooming the greens with the new Jacobsen 322 triplex while the staff blows off the debris left behind him.
Vertical mowing #2 green.
Close-up after the triplex has groomed the area.
The three dimensional grooming removes excess leaf tissure.