Friday, February 6, 2015

Root Pruning Has Begun

Root pruning is an integral and necessary part of golf course tree maintenance. The majority of the holes on the course are tree-lined, creating beauty and dimension. Unfortunately, some of the rough adjacent to these tree-lines has performed poorly. When dry weather persists the tree roots out compete the turfgrass for water and nutrients. Perhaps most concerning is the fact that surface roots (see image below) are severe in many areas creating extremely poor playability.

Surface roots cause turfgrass decline, equipment damage and playability issues.
Tree roots can also wreak havoc on cart paths and contribute to increased equipment repair costs. Tree roots are one of the most significant contributors to cart path failure as a course ages.

Tree roots are a significant contributor to cart path decline.
Our root pruning program is accomplished with an Imants Root pruner. The machine cuts two parallel lines ten inches into the ground, suppressing and severing lateral growth by the tree. By only cutting ten inches deep, the roots are severed and turfgrass quality and golfing playability are not affected.  Roots are pruned along the tree's drip line.  After the roots have been cut, a small crew manually removes the root from the playing surface. Soil is then placed in the areas left void from the removal of roots.
Turfgrass quality drastically improves when roots are not competing for water and nutrients.
The Imants (background) severs the roots and the staff pulls them out of the playing ground (foreground).
Arnold pulling up large roots out of the playing area.
Surface roots removed from the first five trees.
The finished product after the Imants has cut through the roots.
We have begun the root pruning program and have completed holes #1 and #2. We will continue this process through March. The process will be repeated every other year to maintain a root free playing surface and increased turfgrass quality.