Monday, February 2, 2015

Shop Drainage Complete

During heavy rain events (>1 inch), the GCM Building used to flood. The equipment bay, shop area, employee lounge and offices would all flood. The maintenance building is located at the bottom of a ravine that receives high amounts of rain from the streets from above. When the water would funnel off the roof it became trapped behind the building in a ditch with nowhere for it to go except into the shop. 

The back of the building, where much of our storage space is located, was also sloped in a way that much of the water was coming back towards the shop instead of deflecting the water towards storm water basins. We created a ditch network with drainage to move all of the water away from the building. We also sloped the back of the shop, cleaned out all of the trash and sealed it with concrete screenings. We are now able to work more efficiently, maintain a dry work environment and be able to get to the golf course.

"If you can't maintain the back of the house, you can't maintain the front of the house!"

Jared's office after a rain storm event.
Over 1 inch of water in the employee break room
Water from the roof and streets above would get trapped in the ditch behind the shop with nowhere to go but inside it.

Drainage pipe and basins were installed every 20 feet.
Surge gravel was installed so we can keep the area free from debris.
Back of maintenance building before.
Back of maintenance building before.
Back of maintenance building before.
Back of maintenance building before.
Back of maintenance building after.
Back of maintenance building after.
Back of maintenance building after.
The landscape in front of the building also received a makeover.
The men showing me how they poured/mixed concrete in their native country.
The results of our staff's hard work.