Sunday, February 16, 2014

Goose Damage on #9 Green

Last Monday Canada Geese that reside on Lake Norman caused damage to #9 green. The geese were averted from damaging other greens after our staff found the damage on #9. 

The Canada goose population in our area is becoming a concern. Damage caused by "resident" geese to public property-- lake shore property and the golf course is becoming more common. The GCM department is formulating an action plan plan to discourage the geese from residing on or near the golf course. 

Below are pictures of the damage that the geese caused on the putting greens.

Goose damage to #9 green. The plugs seen in the picture are from previous damage earlier this fall.

Close-up of damage caused by geese.

Close-up of damage caused by geese.
Cesar placing plugs into damaged areas.